Let's get in touch

Contact Info

The headquarters of the association is set in Belgium, in the judicial district of Liège. It is established 39, Rue Latour - 4020 Liège. It may be transferred by decision of the general meeting to another address located in Belgium. MAIL: oeaec.org.be@gmail.com         info@oeaec.com WEBSITE: oeaec.com Facebook: OEAEC ADMINISTRATIVE : Mr. HAMAD Mohammed Farhan: alassema6@gmail.com COORDINATOR: Mr. Isam Abdulateef: Isam.albadri@yahoo.com RESPONSIBLE EDITOR: Ms. ABBAS Nabaa Hameed: Naba_a2@yahoo.com


39, Rue Latour 4020 - Liège . Belgique

Email Address

Phone Number

+32 488 31 56 18